Sneak Peek Wednesday: Hola Olla!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Normally we exhibit our products at trade fairs. Because the traditional fairs are hardly or not organized at the moment, we come up with an alternative: Sneak Peek Wednesday. Every Sneak Peek Wednesday we try to surprise you with a new product or a tip of the veil from the spring and summer collection of 2021.*
In the previous Sneak Peek Wednesday we already told that nature is our greatest source of inspiration and that we don't always have to reinvent the wheel. That looking at centuries-old applications sometimes yields new insights. This is also the case with the new Olla.
An Olla is a ceramic, unglazed pot, made of porous terracotta. The Olla makes watering the garden easier, more efficient and more environmentally conscious. The Olla can save up fifty to seventy percent in water use!
Origin of the Olla
When it comes tot he origins of Olla we have to go quite a bit back in time. Let’s start with the Romans. They already used this pot to store and cook with. Much later the Spanish settlers took the technique of the Olla with them to the American West. The pot gained popularity because the application was very useful in the desert climate. This last feature took our interest, because it makes the pot very suitable for gardening.
How the Olla works
So the Olla is a porous pot made of terracotta. The narrow neck in combination with the thick belly gives it a characteristic . You dig it in between the flowers or plants and fill it with water (refill the pot about once or twice a week), close it with the cap and the Olla will do the rest. The cap is important, because it prevents evaporation, pollution and insects laying eggs inside.

Due to the porous nature of terracotta, the irrigation of the soil goes automatically. The roots of the surrounding plants grow towards the pot and the Olla only releases water when needed. Because the water is underground, it evaporates less and does not end up in unwanted places. This also ensures a looser soil structure. Different from spraying or pouring, the layers in the ground don’t ‘close’.
Tip: Dig in an Olla next to a young shrub. This will make it a lot easier for him in his first year on earth.
*Illustrations and sizes of Sneak Peek articles may differ from the final product. Sneak Peek products are not yet available and are expected in the spring/summer catalog of 2021. Please contact us about the expected delivery time.