Kids in the Garden Collection: Playing in the Garden
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
As you may have read in our previous blog, our Kids in the Garden Collection is based on four important points. Last time, we told you all about Discover Nature. Today we’ll tell you more about Playing in the Garden. We will show you which fun and educational products for playing in the garden we have in our range.

Playing outside is not only fun, but playing in the garden also has many advantages! Playing outside improves children's mobility skills, increases their resistance, makes them more likely to make friends and it gives them self-confidence. That is why our Playing in the Garden is not only a cheerful, fun collection, but also one that plays a role in children's development.
Picnicking with your own sand tarts
When I think of the old days, one of my first memories is of the sandbox. I spent hours in it! Alone and also with other children. Every day it was a party. Sand guarantees hours of fun and stimulates children's creativity.
Sand castles, sand cakes, and of course making whole canals in the sand, filled with water. This sandbox is extra special because it is a sandbox and picnic table in one! The sandbox is big enough for four children to play with. Are the children done playing in the sand and is it time for a picnic in their own garden? The wooden lid turns the sandbox into a picnic table in no time. This way, there is never a sandbox in sight, but a nice picnic table that can be decorated with plants or flowers.
Besides the 2-in-1 sandbox, we also have this beautiful corner sandbox. The sandbox is nicely shielded on two sides. One side is equipped with a blackboard. Besides playing in the sandbox, children can also use their creativity here. The name of the sandbox says it all; this corner sandbox is easy to place in a corner.
The sandboxes will be back in stock from week, but you can already pre-order them now!

Corner sand pit
Playing with buckets and watering cans!
Buckets and watering cans may quickly make you think of Working in the Garden. However, they also fit in perfectly with Playing in the Garden. A bucket is ideal for the sandbox! With it, children build the most beautiful towers and castles. And of course, the watering can is used to fill the castle's moats! The fantasy is stimulated and one after the other beautiful creations are created with this bucket and watering can 😉 Although we understand that this bucket and watering can also serve perfectly during a water fight! The bucket and watering can have a bright green colour and a cheerful look.
Tip: Place this bucket and watering can next to a sandbox as well as with children's camping equipment

Green Bucket

Watering Can green
Swinging: fun and good for development
A swing is almost a must for children. As a child, I loved swinging. If I was somewhere and I saw a swing, I wanted to go swinging. I see that at kids these days as well, they are getting a happy feeling when they can swing. And did you know that research shows that playing on the swing influences physical development as well as cognitive, adaptive, social and emotional development?
Source: Jami Murdock, Playground Professionals.
In our assortment you will find 2 special types of swings that can easily be hung up in the garden! Our sturdy horse swing is made from a recycled rubber band and the striking red rope makes it easy to hang up. The material provides a comfortable seating surface, so it makes it easy for kids to swing for hours.
The tyre swing is made in the style of authentic tractors. The rubber tyre comes with a diamond plate, which provides a comfortable seating surface. This swing can be used in a sitting or standing position.

Horse swing
Curious what else our Kids in the Garden collection has to offer? We will soon be telling you more about Outside in any Weather!