How to take care of houseplants
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
An urban jungle in your home brings a cosy atmosphere, but it also creates a healthy living environment. Plants provide atmosphere and oxygen and have an air-purifying effect. However, taking care of those plants can be a tough job. That's why we've listed some tips.
First of all, it is important to determine the water requirements of the plant. Each plant species has its own preferences. A succulent plant or cactus can dry out completely in between watering, no problem at all. A fern or monstera, on the other hand, loves humidity and needs to stay moist between watering sessions. Luckily (almost) every plant comes with an advice card.

Watering factors
Knowing this, the location of the plant is also very important. One plant likes to stand on a bright and sunny spot, while the other prefers to stand in a dark and humid place. Also pay extra attention when a plant stands in front of a window or close to a heater. Both are places which dry out plants extra quickly! Next question is: how to check if a plant needs water? With this trick it's very simple: check the humidity of the potting soil by putting your finger in it. Will some potting soil remain on your finger? Then it's probably still moist enough.
Tip: also pay attention to the temperature of the water and the time of watering. Most plants like water at room temperature and prefere moistering in the morning.
Of course you water with watering cans, but misting also does a lot of houseplants good. The heating indoors quickly disturbs the humidity. Tropical plants suffer extra from this. You might also notice it yourself, think of when you get dry eyes. It is therefore advisable to mist plants regularly (depending on the plant: once per week or per two weeks).

Misting not only benefits the watering itself. Spraying also removes a layer of dust from the leaves. In this way they are better capable of capturing light, which will be converted into glucose and oxygen and that means: GROWTH!
By giving a plant mister a prominent place in the living room, it’s less easier to forget. Luckily, misters have real nice modern, vintage or other designs. Which makes them a musthave for every urban jungle. View the complete range of our water misters here.
Fancy misters

Blue shades plant mister