Green: the colour of harmony, growth and luck
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
It is not a coincidence that green is the dominant colour of nature. Nor is that we feel refreshed and balanced, when we are surrounded by plants in a natural habitat. What is more interesting though, is to know the key to what makes us calm. Actually, one part of the answer lies in colour symbolism. In particular the colour green.

Leverage the power of green!
Human beings are part of an ecosystem, therefore have a certain bound with nature. Although, this also means that our environment can affect our inner harmony. According to the science of colour symbolism, green has several meanings, such as luck, growth, health and so on. Just like we connect yellow to joy or purple to spirituality, green represents tranquility and peace. However, many people forget to leverage the power of colours even though it is a very useful “tool” to create the appropriate environment in which we can thrive.
How to use green consciously?
One of the heritage of evolution is that we need the colour green eventually. As it makes us calm and balanced, it also helps to perform better and improve in a fast pace. We can use plants and green colours at places where we spend relatively much time to boost our feelings and create harmony.

How to leverage green at home:
- Green flower pots: add a little extra green to your plants. They not only add atmosphere, but also make the space more natural.
- Buckets in shades of green as a household help or just for decoration.
- Apply watering cans in soft mint colours: cans are necessary anyway for watering plants. Why not have them in green shades? Read more here about the different types.
- Some plants need a little extra attention and love to be misted. And of course, in green!
What about the outdoors?
Gardens become an extension of the living room. Especially in summer a large part of daily life takes place here. All the more reason to add a little more harmony with green here too. Green feeding articles and nesting boxes for garden life fit perfectly into the outdoor life.

So green creates a pleasant atmosphere. With the right accessories we add a little bit more to that. How about a green patterned windlight, for example? The pattern creates a greenish light show when it's burning.
Now we need green, more than ever before
In this time of crisis, we could all use some extra rest and health. Reduce stress and frustrations in the home environment with some extra green in and around the house. Plants can help enormously. For those who could use some more green, but are already busy enough, a plant terrarium is the solution. A green, mini eco-system that is completely self-sufficient! You can read how to make smart use of it here.