Gardening & Biodiversity = HOT!
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Biodiverseit is a "hot topic" among consumers and in these times people try to contribute even more to nature and the environment. Respond by including a wide range of insect hotels and bee products in your range.
These are our Bee Top 10 Bestsellers
In spring, bee hotels are hung in a dry place in the sun. So this is the time to have these products in stock. We have these items directly available from our warehouse (Sold out means at this moment really sold out!).

Bee house

Beehive beehouse
Tip: The design bee houses below have cardboard straws for even more protection for the bee wings.

Bee house square

Bee house hexagon
Tip: Use our bird baths as Do-It-Yourself for your customer. With some marbles or gravel and water in it, it is an ideal watering hole. Bees can drink safely this way.

These bee accessories should also not be missing from the range.


Insect hotel wigwam
Did you know that..
Wednesday 20 May 2020 it will be World Bee Day again. Respond to this now already!