Everything in store for The Garden Birdwatch 2021
Monday, January 4, 2021
The Garden Birdwatch takes place in different countries annually between December and February. It calls on people to count the birds in their gardens for half an hour till one hour. Some people participate every year. For another it might be the first time. One thing is fore, this year we are massively at home and we have time to participate. Join and have fun!

How it works
The Garden Birdwatch takes place between now and February 2021. Most countries participate in January. Check your own country for more details. So if you participare: count all the birds that you see in your garden or on your balcony. Don’t count the one who only fly over. Write down the highest number of birds seen of each species, but do not count these numbers together. This prevents double counting as much as possible.
Let’s clarify with an example: you participate on Saturday, January 30. and you count 6 sparrows, 2 blue tits and another 2 sparrows, then you write down 6 sparrows total (not 8).
All you need for a successful count
It would be very nice when you or your customer spot a lot of birds during the count. Besides, counting together with the children becomes even more fun. A good preparation is half the work, so time to make the garden extra attractive with feeding areas with seed mixes, suet balls in and around the garden or peanut butter (houses).

Make it extra easy for your customer with ready-made feeding kits or complete decorative feeding tables.

Besides food, water is also important. Also during the winter months. Think of bird baths and drinking bowls. They not only attract birds to the garden, but are also very beautiful.
Make spottin easier
Some garden birds are small and not always easy to see, especially in a large garden. A pair of binoculars should therefore not be missing during counting. And say for yourself, it adds a little adventure to counting.

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