Appropriate doorbells for a nice first impression
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Door bells and door knockers aren’t new of course. For century’s they’ve been showing off at our front doors. Apart from being useful, they give guests a nice first impression. Take a look at our extensive range of hand cast and sophisticated products.
Want to know a little bit more about the owner’s taste in style? Just take a quick peek at the front door. After all, a door bell or door knocker does often hang on the front door and may tell you something about the homeowner’s taste.
Classic, modern or more unique doorbells
Knowing that every house has its own atmosphere, we provide you with a wide range of doorbells, so that dog or cat lovers can find articles that match their taste just as easily as those, who like more classical styles.
For those, who like more the traditional or classical craftsmanship articles, a rose doorbell can be an excellent supplement. The classical design are hand cast according to a years-old tradition and won’t go out of fashion. Thanks to the durable material, this cast iron product serves you for a really long time. It preserves the very detailed parts like the rose leaves and flowers that are carved into the material.

On the other hand, if you are looking for something even more eye-catching, the spring doorbell is the coolest thing you’ll find in somebody's home. It’s a fine, graceful holder with a spiral that makes the bell spring along when you ring it. With the spring bell, no one will pass by unnoticed!
Since nature is our greatest inspiration, we offer doorbells with a animal decoration element. For those, who love dogs, cats or different kinds of garden animals (such as hedgehog, squirrel or birds) can find appropriate articles in the assortment.
Crazy about birds, but they never stick around long enough? This little bird stays put and puts a smile on your visitors face! This cute doorbell would fit great at every front or backdoor, right?

What about those who live in the countryside? Horse, cow and deerdoorbells are not only handy, but also creative accessories for houses or farms in a rural atmosphere. Give guests and visitors a warm welcome with these unique rustic doorbells! Not to mention, that they are also durable, thus serve you for many years!
And if that still doesn’t ring a bell, maybe you’re familiar with doorknockers! They existed long before the modern doorbell was invented. Our extensive range of cast iron articles consists of many variants. A spade or woodpecker for example. The door knockers are also available as an assortment in an authentic wooden display crate.