A green and healthy (home) office
Monday, September 7, 2020
Working at the office together with colleagues in a pleasant working environment. Until half a year ago completely normal for everyone, but not so obvious anymore. Besides the company of colleagues, many of us also miss the office facilities. An ergonomic office chair is important, but having plants around is also essential for a healthy workspace .
Offices are often full of plants. The reason why is not only because it looks nice, but it also contributes to a healthy work environment. Many home offices are not so inspiring at all: a desk in the attic, the guest room or just a laptop on the kitchen table. Working from home seems to become the new standard and therefore it is important to pay attention to a healthy work environment.
Plants not only purify the air, they also contribute to better humidity and they even reduce stress and improve creativity. Each plant has its own 'qualities', but some examples of suitable office plants are the ivy and the Calathea.
So we like the idea of having plants around, but these plants also need some attention. Easily to do during the normal coffee break! Most plants will be satisifed if you water them once or twice a week, but tropical plants also like to be misted on a regular base. Use a mister and you’ll be done in a few minutes.
More plants around sounds great, but having more tasks doesn’t, right? That’s why we thought of some alternatives on standard plants and flowers like a terrarium or these submerged flowers. After placing the flowers or plants you’re done!
For those of you who do go back to the office, it is important to keep enough distance. The terrariums and submerged flower vases we’ve mentioned before, are also very suitable as a room, or better, desk divider.
Many workplaces are, especially now, equipped for flexible working. That means offices do not always have the same arrangement. So how easy would it be if you could move planters around very smooth and quickly? By placing a plant trolley underneath the plants, you can roll it to the other side of the office. For those who still work from home also very handy when rearranging the living room.